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Image by Daniel Olah


The cities of the future are themselves mirrors into the next unknown stages of human history. The limitless possibilities and challenges that they face will radically redefine our experience of society and culture, media and information, politics and economy, technology and environment. Forest cities, floating cities, robotic cities, artificial intelligence-rendered cities, utopian and dystopian cities. How these global metropolises navigate the enigmatic obstacles on our horizon will perhaps decide the fate of everything to come.

My ongoing research into the unfolding projects of futuristic cities—their obsession with speed, experimentation, and immensity—culminates in the many pages of this website. My own fascination with the subject began through my exposure to certain new cities of the Middle East, where I encountered strange phenomena like the world's tallest building, the world's fastest elevator, artificial islands with underwater hotels, and the Museum of the Future with its holographic exhibitions. In the aftermath, I took an intensive course at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Currently, to further enhance my understanding, I have also more recently participated in the MIT Media Lab's certificate program on Beyond Smart Cities: Emerging Design and Technology and completed all of the different modules (including conducting extensive research, participating in virtual town halls, discussions, and creating solutions to real-world issues with relation to city and urban planning. Lastly, I am also now a Member of the New Center for Research & Practice studying advanced seminars in their Post-Planetary Universal Design Program.

My thoughts on future cities have taken me across many conceptual territories, including the following themes that are arguably most central to the fate of these rising urban centers across the world. The general overview of these different topics can be seen in the lower sector on this page.




This website was strictly created and designed for the intent of educating and spreading awareness of the topic of the future of urbanization, technology, and the societal/economic impact of these new metropolises on the world.  The future of cities and the infrastructures within these places hold a key role in the advancement of humanity and how sustainability can become more prevalent and lead to a cleaner, less polluted, and more ecologically friendly planet. 
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